Team Up With The Best Criminal Defence Lawyers in Singapore

As some of the best Criminal Defence lawyers in Singapore,
we defend and represent individuals and corporate entities accused of committing general and regulatory offences as well as complex corporate and commercial crimes in Singapore.

If you are in search of Criminal Litigation law firms in Singapore, look no further than Tembusu Law.


We conceptualise and execute holistic action plans that comprehensively deal with investigations, inquiries and prosecutions whilst protecting legal, business and strategic interests. Our best known Criminal Defence lawyers in Singapore are experts in domestic and transnational criminal law including white-collar crimes such as money laundering, tax evasion, corporate and financial fraud, bribery and corruption.

Here at Tembusu Law, as one of the top Criminal Litigation law firms in Singapore, our Criminal Defence Lawyers offer timely and dependable legal advice to help protect and safeguard your best interests.

Our Top Criminal Defence Lawyers are experienced and skilled in handling the following:


  • Criminal Breach of Trust (CBT)
  • Corporate Fraud
  • Cheating
  • Forgery
  • Insider Trading
  • Securities Fraud & Market Manipulation
  • Multi-level Marketing & Pyramid Selling
  • Insurance Fraud
  • Corruption & Bribery
  • Companies Act offences
  • Regulatory Offences
  • Corporate Disclosure Breaches
  • Fraudulent Trading
  • Breach of Fiduciary Duties
  • Electronic & Computer Crimes
  • Anti-money Laundering Matters
  • Transnational Criminal Matters
  • Sexual Offences
  • Drug Consumption & Trafficking
  • Violent Crimes & Causing Hurt
  • Representations & Letters of Appeal
  • Plea Negotiations & Plea Bargaining
  • Pleading Guilty & Mitigation Pleas
  • Claiming Trial
  • Magistrate’s Appeals
  • Employment-related offences under the Employment of Foreign Manpower Act, Employment Act and Employment Agencies Act
  • Workplace safety and industrial accident-related offences under the Workplace Safety and Health Act and Work Injury Compensation Act
  • White-collar crime and financial fraud expertise include handling cases involving:
    • Bribery and corruption offences under the Prevention of Corruption Act
    • Cheating, forgery and criminal breach of trust offences under the Penal Code
    • Anti-money laundering matters and reporting obligations under the Corruption, Drug Trafficking and Other Serious Crimes (Confiscation of Benefits) Act and Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) Regulations
    • Market manipulation, insider trading and other securities-related criminal matters under the Securities and Futures Act, MAS Regulations, SGX Listing Rules and Regulations
    • Computer misuse and other electronic crimes under the Computer Misuse and Cybersecurity Act and Personal Data Protection Act
    • Corporate governance, disclosure obligations and offences under the Banking Act, Insurance Act and Companies Act


Our team of famous Criminal Defence Lawyers in Singapore are experienced in a wide range of legal matters – from handling plea negotiations and plead guilty mentions to mitigation pleas and conducting Criminal trials.

We recognise the challenges and emotional difficulties present in criminal legal matters.

Our team of Criminal Defence lawyers in Singapore will guide you through the process and be with you every step of the way.


Falsely accused of a crime you did not commit? Worried about being arrested by the Police? Preparing to be interviewed by the Police? Faced with Criminal charges in Court?

These are all opportunities where you should quickly get specialist legal advice from a reliable and expert Criminal Defence lawyer in Singapore.

It’s always stressful and nerve-wracking to be involved in a criminal investigation or in Court proceedings, so it’s important to find the right Criminal Defence lawyer that will provide you with accurate information and sound advice that you can understand and use.

Engage the best Criminal Defence lawyer in Singapore that you can wholeheartedly trust and, more importantly, who can and will make every effort to obtain the most favourable outcome for you.


At Tembusu Law, our dedicated team of Criminal Defence lawyers are experienced in dealing with a variety of Criminal Law offences and cases, and we are well-positioned to deliver to you a prudently crafted strategy and customised roadmap and help you navigate through the daunting and, often, intimidating criminal justice system and process in Singapore.

You can rely on us as your Criminal Defence Lawyers to be dynamic, discerning and decisive in our advice and representation throughout your Criminal case and defence from arrest, and investigation to Court.

Our specialist Criminal Defence lawyers can help and add real value at any stage of your Criminal case:


  • Organising and assessing the relevant facts to advise you on your potential exposure and liability to Criminal charges, the feasibility of your defence against the allegations and the estimated sentence and punishment.
  • Briefing and preparing you for Police interviews and statement-recording sessions.
  • Negotiating with the Police to release you on bail or allow you to travel overseas pending the outcome of investigations.
  • Communicating with the Police, Public Prosecutor and Attorney-General’s Chambers to clarify and explain the circumstance and obtain a favourable outcome such as withdrawing the charges, compounding the offence or amending and reducing the charges.
  • Presenting a Mitigation Plea to Court to argue for leniency and lower sentence.


Saving Time And Avoiding Stress

Your consultations will involve technical legal provisions, cases, rules and procedures. Finding your way through the criminal justice process will also need you to have a strong understanding of such legal authorities including the Penal Code, Criminal Procedure Code, Misuse of Drugs Act, Road Traffic Act and Evidence Act.

However, you can save yourself a substantial amount of anxiety, time and interference in your personal and professional life if you engage a skilled Criminal Defence lawyer to handle and manage your case from start to finish.

Managing And Reducing Risk

Although engaging a Criminal Defence lawyer involves legal costs, this is a worthwhile expense or investment in your case because it helps you identify blind spots and weaknesses in your case early as you formulate your strategy and avoid making ill-informed decisions and missing opportunities that you may later regret.

Police Interview Support And Preparation

When you’re about to be arrested and need to take part in a Police interview and statement-recording session, you need to know what your rights are, what you must focus your explanation on and what you’re entitled to refuse to answer.

Engaging a Criminal Defence team of lawyers early will also help you know in advance how to anticipate questions and areas of examination so you can thoroughly prepare and convey the desired information and impression to the investigators.

Presenting Defence Evidence At A Criminal Trial

If you’re conducting a trial as an unrepresented accused-in-person, you may find the many rules of Criminal procedure and evidence to be complicated and confusing, especially because the Court expects unrepresented litigants to comply with the same rules of evidence as qualified Criminal Defence Lawyers.

Without a Criminal Defence Lawyer in Singapore, you may find that your cross-examination of a Prosecution witness is disrupted and unproductive because it does not fulfil the legal and procedural requirements.

On the other hand, having a Criminal Defence Lawyers or mitigation lawyer represent you at your Criminal trial will mean that you’ll be able to identify flaws and gaps in the Prosecution’s case and evidence so that you can adapt your case to make the biggest positive impact; your arguments and evidence will be efficiently and effectively presented, providing you with the best foundation to succeed in convincing the Court to accept your defence and explanation over the Prosecution’s case.


You have a right to receive legal advice and representation from capable Criminal Defence lawyers for your case regardless of your education, finances and socioeconomic standing; every person involved in a Criminal case deserves to have his explanation and account conveyed to, heard by and considered by the authorities.

Our team of famous Criminal Defence Lawyers in Singapore safeguards your right to fairness by making our legal advice and representation affordable and accessible by always working within a budget that’s comfortable and fair for everyone.


We recognise the challenges and difficulties present in undergoing a criminal case investigation in Singapore.

Finding a good Criminal Defence attorney in Singapore to help with your case can relieve significant stress from you.

From gathering the details of your case to advising you on the best possible outcome.

Our Criminal Defence Lawyers will be representing you with your best interests at heart.

Engage with any one of our criminal or mitigation lawyers for a free consultation on your case today.

Frequently Asked Questions About Engaging Criminal Lawyers in Singapore

Can You Contact Your Criminal Defence Attorney or Lawyer In Singapore After Your Arrest?

You can only speak to your Criminal Defence Lawyers in Singapore after a reasonable time has passed for the Police to carry out their investigations, which is usually after the Police have already interviewed you and recorded a written statement from you. The exact time period will depend on the facts of each case and maybe longer if the Police can prove that allowing you to speak to your lawyer will obstruct their investigations.

During the investigation process, the Police can interview you and obtain a signed statement from you. However, your Criminal Defence Lawyers will not be allowed to accompany or attend the interview together with you. Contact us to find out more.

Can You Choose To Remain Silent When You’re Being Charged With A Criminal Offence?

If you’re being interviewed by the Police and accused of committing a criminal offence, it’s your legal right not to incriminate yourself i.e. you can choose to remain silent and not to say anything that would suggest that you committed the offence.

According to the Criminal Procedure Code, you must tell the investigators what you know of the facts and circumstances of the case. However, you do not need to say anything that would tend to expose yourself to be liable for committing a criminal offence.

If you choose not to mention the facts regarding your defence early in your statement when you have the opportunity, it may be rejected by a Court at a trial later if it feels that your defence is less believable because it may have been only recently created.

What’s The Purpose Of A Letter Of Representation?

Your mitigation lawyer Criminal Defence lawyer in Singapore may send a Letter of Representation during the plea bargaining or plea negotiation process to appeal to the Prosecution to take a more lenient view and approach for your case.

An example could be withdrawing the charge against you, charging you for a less serious offence, charging you with fewer offences, or requesting a lighter punishment to be imposed by the Court.

One of the objectives of the Letter of Representation is for your Criminal Defence Lawyers to highlight and emphasise the relevant facts for the Prosecution’s attention which would help to justify taking a more lenient view and approach for your case.

The Prosecution takes into consideration the reasons given by your Criminal Defence Lawyers in your appeal and then decides whether it should be accepted or rejected. Contact us to find out more.

What Will Your Criminal Defence Lawyer In Singapore Do At The First Court Hearing?

When you first attend Court to answer the charge, the charge will be read and explained to you in Court.

Your Criminal Defence lawyer in Singapore will inform the Court of the course of action you wish to take: e.g. you intend to plead guilty, you intend to claim trial or you’re still deciding and need more time to consider.

He can ask the Court to adjourn the case if he needs more time to prepare or study the case before you decide on your next course of action.

Your Criminal Defence Lawyers can also submit a Letter of Representation and appeal to the Prosecution to ask them to consider taking a more lenient view and approach to your case. Contact us to find out more.

What’s The Purpose Of A Mitigation Plea?

When your Criminal Defence lawyer in Singapore presents a Mitigation Plea, the aim is to convince the Court to impose a lighter type and amount of punishment for the offence.

Your Criminal Defence Lawyers’ Mitigation Plea should typically cover information regarding your personal profile and circumstances (e.g., family background, education, and employment track record, medical conditions).

Additionally, it should include facts regarding how the offence took place (e.g., your role, the value of items stolen, the amount of damage or injury caused) to help the Court understand and decide whether you deserve a lighter punishment.

How Does The Court Decide On The Sentence To Impose?

When the Court is deciding on the type and amount of punishment to impose, it’ll take into consideration and balance sentencing principles of Retribution, Deterrence, Prevention and Rehabilitation.

The sentencing principle of Retribution aims to ensure that the punishment penalises your criminal conduct by proportionately reflecting the seriousness of the criminal conduct and the harm caused.

The sentencing principle of Deterrence aims to ensure that you, as well as other potential offenders amongst the general public, are deterred and discouraged from committing similar offences.

The sentencing principle of Prevention aims to ensure you should be removed from the community because the general public must be protected from you and your dangerous and offensive conduct.

The sentencing principle of Rehabilitation aims to ensure you’re given the opportunity to make a positive change to a law-abiding person from your previous offending behaviour.



We’ll always make time for you.
Tell us what’s on your mind and we’ll find a way to help.


Our Purpose and Values set us apart from the competition and align us with our clients and their goals.


We’re founded on a commitment to help people and driven by a calling to serve a higher purpose – to bring greater access to help, answers, fairness and justice.

Our higher purpose reflects and represents our ideals, our dreams, our ambitions. It explains why and how we are making a difference, it gives us a sense of meaning and it guides our decisions.

At Tembusu Law, we remain purpose-driven and thankful for every opportunity to serve.


  • Empathy: We will understand what you are going through and show compassion in helping you.
  • Integrity: We will always do the right thing, because the time is always right to do what is right.
  • Tenacity: We will persevere and work even harder when the going gets tough, when no one else is looking and everyone else quits.
  • Purpose: This is not ‘a’ job; this is ‘OUR’ job. We are grateful to have it, and we take pride in everything we do.

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Our specialist lawyers are hand-picked for their ability to combine domain expertise, practical experience and sensitivity in understanding and handling the unique nuances and needs of every client’s situation.


“When I reached out to you, you reached back and helped me. You were genuinely concerned for my wellbeing and thought about how best to manage a difficult situation with my loved ones in mind. Most of all, you never judged me. I will never forget that.”

M Sim


“Jonathan and his team were knowledgeable and experienced. They have always been caring and gracious and prompt in communicating with me regarding my many queries and concerns, no matter how simple or small the question and issue was.”

Mr YK Tan

Tiong Bahru, Singapore

“Mr Wong provided me at all times with information and responses to all my questions and concerns. This gave me a great deal of confidence in him and that he was providing the best advice and care possible.”

Mr T Bala

Thomson, Singapore

“I wanted to thank you for your wonderful advice and care. You took the time necessary to explain all the important procedures – even drawing diagrams to help me understand technical terms and concepts and answer my questions.”

Mr G S

Braddell, Singapore

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The Finest Criminal Defence Lawyers in


(UEN: 201910057N)

Office Address:
11 Keng Cheow St,
#02-05 The Riverside Piazza,
Singapore 059608

Telephone: +65 6974 0068

Fax: +65 6974 0069

Hotline:+65 8886 0278

*We do not accept service of Court documents by fax.


Tell us about your case and get a free consultation.